Last updated: 31/01/2002
Messerschmitt Me-109 F (Source: Jet & Prop Archiv 7)
The F-series had its beginning in the V-21, V-22, V-23 and V-24 prototypes. The F-series was to be powered by the DB 601 E engine, delivering 1350hp on take-of. In the F variant, the airframe of the Me-109 got a overall aerodynamic clean-up. The nose got a new contour, the wing area was increased by adding rounded wing tips and the bracing struts for the tail plane were eliminated. F-0
(1940) F-1 (1940) F-2 (1941) F-3 (1942) F-4
(1942) F-5
(1942) F-6
(1942) The F-1 to F-4 could be fitted with a ETC 250 rack under the fuselage. Thus modified aircraft were designated with a "/B" behind the type, like F-4/B. Likewise, tropical versions were designated with "/Trop". From the F-series, aircraft could be fitted with "Rüstsatze". These were field modification kits that could be fitted by mechanics in the field. Rüstsätze
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 V-24 (Source: Messerschmitt "O-Nine" Gallery)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 V-24 (Source: AJ Press Monografie: Messerschmitt Me-109 Cz. 2)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 V-24 (Source: AJ Press Monografie: Messerschmitt Me-109 Cz. 2)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 F (Source: Flugzeug Archiv 1)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 F (Source: Jet & Prop Archiv 7)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 F (Source: Koku Fan Me-109 Special)
![]() Messerschmitt Me-109 F (Source: Koku Fan Me-109 Special)